194 research outputs found


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    A Robótica vem ganhando espaço na área da educação durante as últimasdécadas. Vários estudos desenvolvidos demonstram o sucesso desta prática em diferentes áreas e níveis do ensino. Seguindo essa tendência, este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar a utilização da Robótica em sala de aula como uma ferramenta estratégica lúdica para auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. O trabalho propõe uma metodologia para o ensino da língua inglesa em uma escola de idiomas, para alunos de 6 a 9 anos de idade, através da Robótica Educacional com o intuito de desenvolver suas habilidades com o Inglês (fala, escrita e escuta) e despertar o interesse deles ao aprendizado da referida língua. Para validar o trabalho, questionários foram aplicados junto aos alunos a fim de se verificar a satisfação dos mesmos em aprender inglês com o auxílio de kits robóticos educacionais

    Transcription Regulation—Brain Development and Homeostasis—A Finely Tuned and Orchestrated Scenario in Physiology and Pathology

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    A finely tuned regulation of gene expression is essential for shaping the nervous system and for maintaining its homeostasis throughout life. Disruptions in gene regulation can impact brain development and physiology in ways that contribute to diverse pathologies. Classic and state-of-the art experimental models and technologies have advanced our knowledge of transcriptional regulators and the ways they interact in the healthy and diseased brain. Further in-depth characterization of the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation is needed to better understand how each element, from genes to cells, defines and maintains identities and functionalities in the nervous system. This Research Topic focuses on transcriptional regulation within the nervous system, with an emphasis on developmental and homeostatic processes, their dysregulation, and their association with neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Eleven peer-reviewed manuscripts including six original articles, three reviews, one mini review, and one brief research report, encompass this special volume. Fifty-nine authors from research laboratories located in 10 countries: Argentina, Canada, China, Germany, Israel, Russia, Serbia, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam, took part in this initiative.Fil: Muñoz, Estela Maris. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos; ArgentinaFil: Silva Junqueira de Souza, Flavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Rath, Martin F.. Universidad de Copenhagen; DinamarcaFil: Martínez Cerdeño, Verónica. University of California at Davis; Estados Unido

    Transcriptome-based SNP discovery and validation in the hybrid zone of the neotropical annual fish genus Austrolebias

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    The genus Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) represents a specious group of taxa following annual life cycles in the neotropical ichthyofauna. They live in temporary ponds and each generation must be completed in a few months, depending on environmental stochasticity. Annual fish survive the dry season through diapausing eggs buried in the substrate of these ponds. A hypothesized bimodal hybrid zone between two taxa of the genus, A. charrua and A. reicherti from Dos Patos Merin lagoon system, was recently proposed based on genetics and morphological analyses. However, hundreds of additional nuclear molecular markers should be used to strongly support this hypothesized bimodal pattern. In the present paper, we conducted RNA-seq-based sequencing of the transcriptomes from pools of individuals of A. charrua, A. reicherti and their putative natural hybrids from the previously characterized hybrid zone. As a result, we identified a set of 111,725 SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers, representing presumably fixed allelic di erences among the two species. The present study provided the first panel of 106 SNP markers as a single diagnostic multiplex assay and validated their capacity to reconstruct the patterns of the hybrid zone between both taxa. These nuclear markers combined with Cytb gene and morphological analyses detected a population structure in which some groups among the hybrid swarms showed di erent level of introgression towards one or the other parental species according to their geographic distribution. High-quality transcriptomes and a large set of gene-linked SNPs should greatly facilitate functional and population genomics studies in the hybrid zone of these endangered species

    The presence of the «Advanced High School Program with emphasis on Information and Communications Technologies» (PROA) in Facebook

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    Desde la irrupción de internet en nuestra vida cotidiana y la revolución digital como el fenómeno más relevante de las últimas décadas, las formas de convivir, pensar, comunicarse y reflexionar han ido mutando. Hoy, las redes sociales digitales ocupan nuevos espacios como ágoras electrónicas, donde se ensayan diversos prototipos comunicativos y se ponen en juego distintas vías de gestionar emociones y pensamientos. En ese marco, la exclusión del mundo digital puede generar amenazas y peligros, especialmente para los perfiles de instituciones públicas de diversa índole. El objetivo del artículo fue analizar la presencia de las Escuelas PROA (Programa Avanzado de Educación Secundaria con énfasis en Tecnologias de Información y Comunicación) de Córdoba, Argentina, en Facebook a fin de describir y analizar qué se dice de las escuelas, cómo y quién lo dice. Como estrategia metodológica se instrumentó el método cualitativo, descriptivo y analítico. Como plataforma de análisis elegimos un grupo de Facebook que nuclea docentes de la provincia y utilizamos la herramienta de buscador para ubicar las publicaciones de los últimos dos años. El análisis instrumentó elementos de los Análisis Críticos del Discurso. Como conclusión principal destacamos que la presencia formal del programa es baja, hecho que aumenta la desinformación y la circulación de fake news; a su vez, la mayor parte de los comentarios vinculados a las escuelas son críticos sobre el financiamiento y la forma de selección docente.Since the emergence of the internet in our daily lives and the digital revolution as the most relevant phenomenon of the last decades, the ways of living together, thinking, communicating and reflecting have been mutating. Today, digital social networks occupy new spaces such as electronic agoras, where various communicative prototypes are tested and where different ways of managing emotions and thoughts are put into play. In this context, the exclusion of the digital world can generate threats and dangers, especially to the profiles of public institutions of various kinds. This article analyzes the presence of the PROA Schools (Advanced High School Program with emphasis on ICT) in Córdoba, Argentina, on Facebook in order to describe and analyze what is said about schools, how and who says so. As an analysis platform, we have chosen a Facebook group that brings together teachers from all over the province and we have used the search tool to locate the publications of the last two years. As main conclusion we highlight that the formal presence of the program is low, so it increases disinformation and the circulation of fake news; at the same time, most of the comments linked to schools refer to criticisms of funding and the way of selecting teachers.peerReviewe

    Ciberfeminismo y educación: análisis de tres perfiles de organizaciones en Twitter

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    A partir del reconocimiento de las brechas de géneros estructurales en relación a la ciencia y la tecnología, diversas organizaciones de la sociedad civil, hackerspace o asociaciones de mujeres ganaron terreno, sobre todo mediante la presencia y el activismo en y a través de las redes sociales digitales, especialmente Twitter. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las estrategias de visibilización de las mujeres en las tecnologías, a través del estudio de los perfiles en la plataforma Twitter de tres organizaciones ciberfeministas o femhackerspace. Se utilizó un método cualitativo con análisis crítico discursivo. Los principales hallazgos indican que la estrategia más utilizada es la de visibilidad, como acción educativa, a través de ejemplos de mujeres exitosas en las áreas de ciencia y tecnología y de iniciativas, cursos o propuestas de inclusión digital feminista. También existe una construcción de redes y espacios comunitarios que fomentan la participación de las mujeres en diversos espacios y crean sentido de pertenencia. Además, estas organizaciones llevan adelante diferentes acciones educativas a través de las actividades en red. Por último, podría considerarse que las tres organizaciones se inspiran en los postulados de las teorías ciberfeministas, aunque con características específicas en cada caso

    Effect of ambient temperature on fat oxidation during an incremental cycling exercise test.

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    Aim: The objective of this current research was to compare fat oxidation rates during an incremental cycling exercise test in a temperate vs. hot environment. Methods: Twelve healthy young participants were recruited for a randomised crossover experimental design. Each participant performed a VO2max test in a thermoneutral environment followed by two cycling ramp test trials, one in a temperate environment (18.3°C) and another in a hot environment (36.3°C). The ramp test consisted of 3-min stages of increasing intensity (+10% of VO2max) while gas exchange, heart rate and perceived exertion were measured. Results: During exercise, there was a main effect of the environment temperature on fat oxidation rate (F = 9.35, P = 0.014). The rate of fat oxidation was lower in the heat at 30% VO2max (0.42 ± 0.15 vs.0.37 ± 0.13 g/min; P = 0.042), 60% VO2max (0.37 ± 0.27 vs.0.23 ± 0.23 g/min; P = 0.018) and 70% VO2max (0.22 ± 0.26 vs.0.12 ± 0.26 g/min; P = 0.007). In addition, there was a tendency for a lower maximal fat oxidation rate in the heat (0.55 ± 0.2 vs.0.48 ± 0.2 g/min; P = 0.052) and it occurred at a lower exercise intensity (44 ± 14 vs.38% ± 8% VO2max; P = 0.004). The total amount of fat oxidised was lower in the heat (5.8 ± 2.6 vs 4.6 ± 2.8 g; P = 0.002). The ambient temperature also produced main effects on heart rate (F = 15.18, P = 0.005) and tympanic temperature (F = 25.23, P = 0.001) with no effect on energy expenditure (F = 0.01, P = 0.945). Conclusion: A hot environment notably reduced fat oxidation rates during a ramp exercise test. Exercising in the heat should not be recommended for those individuals seeking to increase fat oxidation during exercise.pre-print375 K

    “Ensinear o desconhecido": uma abordagem da formação de professores e avaliação da aprendizagem sobre tecnologias digitais no Equador

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo contrastar analíticamente las capacidades de estudiantes de Educación Básica y Bachillerato y profesores en formación, respecto a las tecnologías digitales. La base de análisis fueron los “Estándares de evaluación del aprendizaje” del Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador y los Perfiles de egreso obtenidos de la oferta educativa universitaria ecuatoriana en el campo de Educación. Como estrategia metodológica se utilizaron elementos de análisis de redes y análisis de contenido aplicados a los documentos ya citados. A través de los datos obtenidos se infiere una perspectiva instrumental tanto en la oferta universitaria como en los estándares de evaluación de estudiantes. Sin embargo, para los alumnos se incluye una óptica más amplia y compleja para abordar las tecnologías digitales, relativa a las aptitudes transversales críticas y la cultura digital; tales temas, paradójicamente, tienen un abordaje parcial o nulo en la formación docente.Este artigo tem como objetivo contrastar analiticamente as capacidades dos alunos do ensino básico e ensino secundário e professores em formação no que diz respeito às tecnologias digitais. A base da análise foram os "Padrões de Avaliação da Aprendizagem" do Ministério da Educação do Equador e os Perfis de graduação, obtidos a partir da oferta educacional universitária equatoriana no campo da Educação. Como estratégia metodológica foram utilizados elementos de análise de redes e análise de conteúdo aplicados aos documentos supracitados. Através dos dados obtidos, infere-se uma perspectiva instrumental tanto na oferta da universidade quanto nos padrões de avaliação dos alunos. No entanto, para os alunos, inclui-se uma abordagem mais ampla e mais complexa das tecnologias digitais, relacionada às habilidades transversais críticas e à cultura digital, conteúdos que, paradoxalmente, têm uma abordagem parcial ou nula na formação de professores.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Experiences and educational paths of young persons graduated in social communication in the transfer of knowledge

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    Este artículo propone mostrar consideraciones relativas al proyecto de investigación «Narrativas biográficas en torno a las experiencias y trayectorias educativas de graduados y graduadas de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social (unlp) sobre los vínculos que las tesis propician en la transferencia de conocimientos». Creemos necesario analizar cuáles son esas experiencias de transferencia y las diferentes percepciones que tienen sobre ellas las y los graduados, en tanto investigadores/productores de conocimiento, en el marco de la realización de sus tesis de grado.This article proposes to show considerations to the investigation «Biographical narratives about the experiences and educational trajectories of graduates in Social Communication Degree (unlp) on relation that theses propitiate in the transfer of knowledge». We consider necessary to analyze which are these experiences of transfer and the different perceptions that young graduetes have on them, as investigator/producer of knowledge in the context of the production of theses completion of the career.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Experiences and educational paths of young persons graduated in social communication in the transfer of knowledge

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    Este artículo propone mostrar consideraciones relativas al proyecto de investigación «Narrativas biográficas en torno a las experiencias y trayectorias educativas de graduados y graduadas de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social (unlp) sobre los vínculos que las tesis propician en la transferencia de conocimientos». Creemos necesario analizar cuáles son esas experiencias de transferencia y las diferentes percepciones que tienen sobre ellas las y los graduados, en tanto investigadores/productores de conocimiento, en el marco de la realización de sus tesis de grado.This article proposes to show considerations to the investigation «Biographical narratives about the experiences and educational trajectories of graduates in Social Communication Degree (unlp) on relation that theses propitiate in the transfer of knowledge». We consider necessary to analyze which are these experiences of transfer and the different perceptions that young graduetes have on them, as investigator/producer of knowledge in the context of the production of theses completion of the career.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia